BONSILAGE SPEED G ensilages faster
BONSILAGE SPEED G demonstrably shortens the silo ripening time. The silage additive for grass, clover grass, lucerne and green rye silage enables the silo to be opened after only 2 weeks of ensiling - without aerobic spoilage processes and reheating. The DLG confirms the effectiveness in the improvement of aerobic stability as well as an early silo opening.
When is rapid silage ripening required?
The weather conditions of recent years have led to lower yields in grassland on many farms. Simultaneously, the loads of yeasts and moulds in these silages are increasing. In order to be able to ensile such stocks safely for rapid silo opening, a rapid pH value reduction is necessary for the first phase of ensiling, followed by rapid acetic acid formation.
How do the LAB strains in BONSILAGE SPEED G work?
The special strain combination of lactic acid bacteria strains, together with Lactobacillus diolivorans in BONSILAGE SPEED G, results in the rapid formation of acetic acid. This successfully suppresses yeasts and moulds after only 14 days of silage maturing, significantly improves aerobic stability (see Figure 1) and ensures the feeding of perfect silage.
What are the experiences of farmers with BONSILAGE SPEED G?
ISF Schaumann Forschung has conducted analyses of the first cuts in 2017 from all regions of Germany. These silages were opened again after only 14 days. In addition to the high stability after such a short silage ripening period, all farmers praised the good smell of the silages in particular. The laboratory results confirm the farmers' impression: An average of 8.8 % lactic acid and 2.12 % acetic acid in the DM as well as a very low pH value of 4.15 explain the great stability after a short silage ripening period.
DLG confirms effectiveness with the quality seal
The DLG Test Centre for Technology and Farm Inputs has now confirmed the outstanding properties of BONSILAGE SPEED G with a new seal of quality for silage additives with direction of action 2 "aerobic stability" and the new direction of action 2+ "additional test for rapid silo opening" (see Fig. 2).
Perfect forage is the most important prerequisite for economically successful dairy cattle feeding. This increases feed intake and reduces losses as well as the need to purchase additional feed components. By using BONSILAGE SPEED G for grass silage, clover grass, and green rye silage, SCHAUMANN offers farmers the option of producing aerobically stable silage even with a silage ripening time of 14 days.